Friday, January 4, 2013


Trinity: A Different Gospel

THE TRINITARIANS KNEW that if they cannot prove that the doctrine of the trinity is biblical, this doctrine cannot be accepted by true Christians because according to Apostles Paul we must condemned the “different gospel.” In Galatians 1:6-8, this is what Apostle Paul said:

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel -  which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!” (Galacia 1:6-8 NIV)

According to the Apostles Paul, “Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.”  The beloved apostle called their teaching as “a different gospel” and admonish the Christians to condemned these teachings.

Apostle Peter clearly warned us that false teachers will appear and will,bring destructive, untrue doctrines:

1False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and will deny the Master who redeemed them, and so they will bring upon themselves sudden destruction. II Peter 2:1 TEV

What Apostle Peter calls as “destructive, untrue doctrine” is what Apostle Paul calls as “different gospel,” which is a perverted gospel of Christ.

What is an example of what the Lord Jesus Christ teach that will “pervert” and “confused” by the false teachers? In John 17:1 and 3, this is what the Lord Jesus Christ said:

“After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.
“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:1 and 3 NIV)

Christ taught us that there is only one true God, the Father. This is the gospel or the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ regarding the true God that we all must recognize and acknowledge. He said, “Father…this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God.”

According to Apostle Paul, “Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.” Thus, the false teachers will confused and pervert the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ that the “Father is the only true God.” Apostle Paul also said that this is “a different gospel – which is really no gospel at all.”

Which is the "different gospel" about God? how did the false teachers perverted the gospel of Christ about God that there is only one true God, the father?

The Perverted Doctrine about God

What Apostle Paul referring to as “a different gospel” is a perverted gospel of Christ. The word “pervert” means “misinterpret or distort something.” Thus, a misinterpreted or distorted gospel or doctrine of Christ about God is “a different gospel” that we must condemned.

Christ said that “the Father is the only true God.” How did the false teachers perverted or distorted this teaching of Christ? A Catholic book titled “The Creed” tells us the doctrine of the Catholic Church about God:

“The three persons then , being only one God, are perfectly equal in perfection, majesty and glory: ‘the Father and the Son and the Holy Spiritpossess one God-head, equal glory and co-eternal majesty. As the Father is, so is the Son, also is the Holy Spirit…thew Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God. And yet they are notthree Gods, but only one God’ (from the Athanasian Creed).” [Gran, Sister Ma. Valerie, D.S.P. The Creed. Nihil Obstat: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Victor R. Serrano, H.P. Imprimatur: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Benjamin L. Marino, P.A. Pasay, Metro Manila, Phillipines: Daughters of St. PaulPublications, 1984, p. p. 50.]

The Catholics and even the Protestants believe that there are three persons in one God or the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and these three are only one God. However, the gospel or teaching of Christ clearly states that the Father alone is the only true God. The doctrine of Trinity is indeed a perversion of distortion of the teachings of Christ about God.

However, there are people who insist that the doctrine of the Trinity (that there is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) is not a distortion of the teaching of Christ that there is only one true God, the Father. Apostle Paul has an explanation why they cannot see the light of the gospel of Christ:

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (II Corinthians 4:4 NIV)

The Confusing Doctrine about God

Apostle Paul also said that these people teaching “a different gospel” are “throwing you into confusion.” Thus, the “different gosspel” that must be eternally condemned according ti Apostle Paul is also a very confusing doctrine. How confusing is the doctrine about the Trinity? Another Catholic book titles, The Daith Explained” has this to say:

“One such truth is the fact that though there is only one God ,yet in that one Godthere are three divine Persons – the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is only one divine nature, but there are three divine Persons…So when we try to think of God as Three Persons possessing one and the same nature, we find ourselves batting our head against the ceiling.” [Trese, Leo J. The Faith Explained. Nihil Obstat: Louis J. Putz, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame. Imprimatur: Leo A. Pursley, D.D. Bishop of Fort Wayne, Notre Dame, Indiana. USA: Fides Publishers Inc.,1969, pp. 25-26.]

This is a Catholic book wriitten by a Catholic and approved by Catholic authorities.  The book said, “So when we try to think of God as Three Persons possessing one and the same nature, we find ourselves batting our headagainst the ceiling.”

This book also further admits that no one will understand the doctrine of the Trinity even the greatest theologian:

“We are dealing a mystery of faith: no one, not even the greatest theologian, can hope in this life to really understand it. At best, there will merely be varying degrees of ignorance.” (Ibid., p. 29.)

Catholic authorities admit that no one, not even the greatest theologian, can understand the doctrine of the Trinity. Is it because it’s a mystery? It’s not only a mystery, but also an absurdity:

“God, of course, cannot perform an absurdity, a contradiction in terms. He canoont, for instance, make two and two equal five.” (Walsh, John. This is Catholicism. New York: Image Book, 1959, p. 25)

Not Really A Gospel

Apostle Paul also said that the “different gospel” “is really no gospel at all.” Is the Trinity a gospel or “no gospel at all”?

“It cannot therefore be seriously maintained that the mystery of the Divine Trinity was clearly revealed in the Old Testament.” (Pohle, joseph, Ph.D., D.D.. The Divine Trinity, A Dogmatic Treatise, p. 20.)

The author admits that they cannot seriously maintained that the doctrine that there are three persons in one God (the doctrine of the Trinity) was clearly revealed in the Old Testament. The reason of this admission is because the doctrine of the Trinity is not known before the advent of Christ:

“It is true that before the advent of Christ the Trinity of Persons was not known., not even to the inspired authors.” (Gratsch, Edward J. Principles of Catholic Theology, p. 50.)

How about in the New Testament? Can we found the word “Trinity” in the New Testament? This is the admission of another Catholic book:

“The word Trinity does not appear in the New testament and the meanings of the words persons and nature, in the precise senses and which these words are used to bear the meassage of God, had to be carefully refined to bear that message rightly. But what the New Testament teaches is in truth captured with care and reverence in the exact statements of the early councils of the Church.” (Lawler, Ronald, Wuerl, Donald, and Lawler, Thomas Comerfod. The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults, p. 177.)


Therefore, the doctrine of the Trinity is “a different gospel” that must be condemned. Let us adhere the biblical doctrine that there is only one true God, the father.

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